Arko and Special Permutations
Arko is very fond of permutations. He can easily calculate the number of n length permutations. (In ...
Calendar of Planet Biku
Mr. Hikiko is the emperor of a planet called Biku. He got a gift from planet earth which can count t...
Yet Another Query Problem!
You are given an array $A$ of length $n$ consisting of integers between $1$ and $10^6$. You need to ...
Chance of Passing the Quiz
Rocky is starting his online quizzes and he has been provided with some passing criteria. The rule o...
Game Show
Alex is participating in a game show. Mr. Phil is the host of the game. Alex is provided with an arr...
Who Gets the Money!?
Who doesn’t get happy after getting money in the pockets of clothes before washing them? During this...
Jhamela, Once Again
You are given n positive integers as an array. Also, you are given an integer k. Now, try to find a ...
Help Chokro
Pias and Chokro are good friends. Pias's birthday is coming soon. So, Chokro wants to gift Pias an a...
Karim Meets Gollum
After hearing about Bilbo's Ring that he found in the Misty Mountains, Karim the Hobbit decided to e...
ACT 1: Ash Counting Trees
Ash Ketchum has a weird rooted tree (read Notes sections if you don't know about tree data structure...
Arrange the Bricks!
You have $N$ bricks two dimensional bricks of the dimension $1 \times 2$. The bricks are rotatable i...
NAC-SAC Game! (Hard. Well, Not Really. 😛)
Remember the game played by Akash and Guru on the NAC-SAC bridge? (For those cannot remember, Akash ...
Ashik's Trouble
Ashik is generally a good boy. But recently he has had some trouble with one of his classmates. His ...
NAC-SAC Game! (Easy)
Akash and Guru are playing an interesting game. They are standing at the two ends of the NAC-SAC bri...
Who Ate the Pizza Slices?
Misty’s life is very dramatic. No matter how careful she is, some interesting and sometimes unfortun...
Choco Moco
Aminul & Imran are good friends. Not only friends but also teammates. Their team NSU MeowMax qualifi...
Absolute U
Do you know about absolute value function? In mathematics, the absolute value of a real number u, de...
Trust Me , You Can Solve It ;-)
Nafis Shahriar loves to do codeforces programming contests. He is the first candidate master in code...
Challenge From Mr. Professor
One Day Mr. Professor was taking His schedule class on Discrete Mathematics. In this lecture, He was...
Tricky Racer
Talent Bob is a galaxy wide known legend and a racer (in game :P). He always wins races by his trick...
Color The Graph
You are given an acyclic, bidirectional graph with N nodes and M edges. The nodes are numbered from ...
Divisible by 3
You will be given a string containing digits. You have to say the number of sub strings whose sum is...
United State of Koanhali
Koanhali is a strange country. The govt. of Koanhali maintain the marriages of this country. If you ...
Incremental Induction
The Nordic Collegiate Pong Championship (NCPC) is an insanely competive tournament where every conte...
Game of Gnomes
The enemy and their massive army is approaching your fortress, and all you have to defend it is a le...
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