Color The Graph
You are given an acyclic, bidirectional graph with N nodes and M edges. The nodes are numbered from ...
Arko and Special Permutations
Arko is very fond of permutations. He can easily calculate the number of n length permutations. (In ...
Choice Is Yours
For not participating on contests regularly, Hasnaine (read Has9) has decided to kill Santo. But nob...
Meeting Place
There is an N*N grid where (r,c) denotes a cell number where r means row number, c means column numb...
Magic Number Count
Magic number is an integer number, which is only divisible by itself and total number of divisor wil...
Counting Subsets
Mr. Meseeks has just turned evil and is on his way to destroy the universe. To stop him Rick and Mor...
Killing Floor
$N (1 \leq N \leq 10^{18})$ robots have decided to take part on a battle royale. Every robot has a u...
Building the Number
This is a straight-froward problem. You will be given N. You have to find the expected value of buil...
The Lucky Dice
Ray and Evangeline are playing a game named "The Lucky Dice". In this game, each player tosses up an...
Level Up
You are playing a game that has 16 levels. You start with level 1 and after gaining a certain amount...
Little T2 and Dead Cats
The planet earth has become peaceful again because all the cats are dead. An evil robot named Xorged...
Lazy Supermen
There are two hills in Sonargaon. The heights of them are H1 and H2 meter. The distance between the ...
Chowdhury Saheb & the Numbers
You like short description of problems? Me too! Let's go to an easy problem. You are given an array ...
Calendar of Planet Biku
Mr. Hikiko is the emperor of a planet called Biku. He got a gift from planet earth which can count t...
Christmas Tree
Professor Rio has an amazing Christmas tree. Unlike other trees, this Christmas tree has some specia...
Is Bita Happy?
Bita has learned bitwise-operations recently. She is doing some experiments with these operations no...
The Game Is Back On
Moriarty is bored again. When he gets bored, the only thing he wants to do is play with Sherlock. So...
Maximum Distance
You know it’s hard seeing your favorite person being interested in another one instead of you. At th...
The Story of Two Friends
There are two friends F1 and F2 in a city. They both are student of FCB High School. Also, they resi...
Find the Number of Pearls
Today is a very special day. It’s the birthday of only one girlfriend of programmer Shojib. Now, you...
GCD and Sum
Congratulations! You’ve been hired in “Buggy Software Ltd.” And you’ve been already given your first...
Trivial Summation
The problem statement is so small. Give you four integers r, a, b, d. Find the summation of all numb...
Recursive World!
See following the two recursive functions: C(0) = 0 C(1) = 5 C(K) = C(K-1) + 4 F(0) = 1 F(1) = 2 F(N...
Phi Numbers in Range!
In number theory, Euler’s phi function, denoted as ϕ(n), is an arithmetic function which counts the ...
Yet Another Hello World
The greatest company, Pied Piper, is developing encryption systems. The company has already built Md...
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