PUBG Lover Programmer: The Beginning
Sroud loves to play PUBG and does programming contest. He always thinks about converting gameplay to...
Wheel Graph
Today we will learn about a special type of graph called Wheel Graph. In the mathematical discipline...
Kitorp and His Love
Kitorp loves his wife Asiar(who is a problem solver as well) but he loves math more. To get his atte...
Opera & B2G1
“Don’t practice until you get it right. Practice until you can’t get it wrong” Bangladesh is the ho...
How Many Kids Are in the Circle?
A group of kids are standing in a circle and playing catch the ball. For fair play, they always main...
Elementary Arithmetic - 2
Long ago, after learning how to add two numbers, Shakib came to know about multiplication. Multiplic...
Incorrect Is Incorrect
This is a straightforward problem. You will be given an incorrect mathematical sum expression like $...
Third Dimension
Mr. J wants to learn about combinatorics. He started reading a book on combinatorics and came across...
Laali Vs Bessie
One day Raju discovered USACO and from that day he would spend all his time solving problems. Laali ...
Squares Inside Square
Hello , Programmers. There is one thing that I don't like about competitive problem solving, which i...
Chief Thief
A group of thieves steal only money. Every morning they deposit the money to their leader. The leade...
Misti Chor
Bhootu likes to eat misti. As he is a mischievous kid, he has decided to steal misti from the nearby...
String Factory
Welcome to the string factory where strings are generated in a peculiar manner. You are given a stri...
I Hate Combinatorics!
Rick and Morty are being hunted by the galactic government. They ran away to the cell dimension. The...
Delete the Array
There is an array of size n. You will be given an integer x. In each move you have to subtract x or ...
Given an integer $L$, you have to find the product of two different integers such that their LCM (Le...
SUM Equals LCM
Given N, print a sequence of N positive integers A1​,A2​,…,AN​ that satisfy the following conditions...
Fast Co-Prime
Two numbers A and B are called co-prime if the only common positive factor of the two numbers is 1. ...
Arrange the Bricks!
You have $N$ bricks two dimensional bricks of the dimension $1 \times 2$. The bricks are rotatable i...
Prime Factors
Given an integer N, can you determine its prime factors?
Shiku Being Shiku
Guni Moira, the honest sweet shop owner of CSEmpur has recently learned about the Fibonacci sequence...
Choco Moco
Aminul & Imran are good friends. Not only friends but also teammates. Their team NSU MeowMax qualifi...
Prime Range
Prime Numbers are such numbers which are only divided by 1 and the number itself. 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13...
Mirror World
Imagine a world inside mirror, where everything becomes reverse. Left hand becomes right hand, right...
Red and Green
Suppose, there is an array of N integers. Each index of the array is either red or green. The first ...
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